Sportovní lockpicking

Welcoming Spring on Charles Bridge

2019-12-16T08:05:34+01:00By |Categories: All posts, Interesting, Lockpicking|Tags: , , , , , |

WHAT ARE THE LOCKS OF LOVE ?! AND WHAT DO WE DO? Why do people put padlocks (often referred to as love locks) on bridges, railings, and other public spaces? They probably believe the fairy tale to affirm their love that they will lock the lock and throw the key into the river. Even in Prague, so many foreigners and Czech tourists visit the center itself and close to Charles Bridge or click on their padlock of love. Every Tuesday, administrators and members of the Association of Artists of the Charles Bridge come to remove the locks of love using grinders [...]

We were surprised by Radio Wave in Prague

2019-12-16T07:56:51+01:00By |Categories: All posts, Interesting, Lockpicking, Trainings and seminars|Tags: , , , , , |

LOCKPICKING TRAINING EVENTS ARE EVERY MONTH In March at one of our lockpicking training, which was also open to the public (after pre-registration and application), we were surprised by Miss Eva Svobodová, reporter for Radio Wave.The report is in the audio interview only in Czech, so it is unnecessary to give a link, but you can read the text from the report below.And you'll learn not only what lockpicking is or how a lock works. Less than a dozen future lockpicker or curious people visited us from this public training, all of them men.We divided into two groups, complete beginners and [...]

Lockpicking & Breakfast with Nova TV show appearance

2019-12-16T07:39:10+01:00By |Categories: All posts, Interesting, Lockpicking|Tags: , , , , , |

LOCKPICKING & BREAKFAST WITH NOVA TV SHOW APPEARANCE We had the opportunity to be part of a live morning broadcast on NOVA TV in the “Breakfast with New” show, where in two entries our members spoke not only about lockpicking, but also about locksmiths, locks, unlocking, security and much more. First, of course, we explained the basic concept of lockpicking, who we are, and what lockpickers unite us. We explained how lockpicking in the locksmith occupation actually works, whether locksmiths use lockpicking or choose another method of opening in the Czech Republic. We also tried to describe and recommend what to [...]

Padlocks and freestyle (an interview for Respect magazine)

2019-07-13T08:03:39+02:00By |Categories: All posts, Interesting, Lockpicking|Tags: , , , , , |

Padlocks and freestyle (an interview for Respect magazine) "On average, I practice three times a week" (Marek Pederzoli) People often connect opening locks with picks, skeleton keys or hooks with criminals. Only a few people know that lockpicking is also a sport, in which international competitions are held. Marek Pederzoli (32), has fallen in love with this hobby and compares opening locks without keys to solving brain teasers and puzzles. You are a Ph.D. student of theoretical chemistry at the Czech Academy of sciences, however, you practice picking locks in your free time. Theoretical chemistry and lockpicking are quite [...]

Christmas lockpicking party 2018

2019-12-16T06:35:38+01:00By |Categories: All posts, Trainings and seminars|Tags: , , , , , , |

Every year, a Christmas Party of Association of the Czech Lockpickers is held only for our members and guests. In 2018 it was no different. We met in abundance when we had the opportunity to taste homemade nutell or apricot donuts, other than homemade potato salad with cutlets and other rich treats. Of course there was also a raffle and a big meeting - plans for 2019. PHOTOGALERY

LockFest 2018 – International Lock Exhibition

2019-12-18T08:31:16+01:00By |Categories: All posts, Interesting, Lockpicking, News and events, Trainings and seminars|Tags: , , , , , |

LockFest 2018 The third year of international lock exhibition was placed in days from 22nd till 23rd September 2018 and we had the opportunity to be a part of it. International exhibition LockFest is dedicated not only to professional locksmiths, but also to public and to the managers of apartment buildings to achieve the overview regarding the new trends in development of securitity technologies and so on. There were many of talks and presentations how to secure the property which were accessible to public, and also there were professional presentations and workshops to locksmiths only and special education and trainings [...]

From history to a modern look at lockpicking and the code of ethics

2021-03-24T08:24:43+01:00By |Categories: All posts, Interesting, Lockpicking|Tags: , , , , , , , |

LOCKPICKING AND ETHICAL LOCKPICKER'S CODEX Lockpicking is non-destructive openning method of locks and locking systems without original key. Lockpicking isn't only manipulation by lockpick tools, but it is impressioning method as well or openning by decoders and others special tools. Lockpicking is not only for locksmiths, it's hobby and sport discipline called locksport. Lockpickers could be students, doctors, bank officers or scientists. For many of them it's relax from job or rest after hardwork. Lockpicking is like puzzle solving, increasing manual skills and helping train brain. Amount of lockpickers is still increasing and curently counting a few hundred of thousands. There [...]

Summer School of Lockpicking 2018 behind us – FACEBOOK

2019-10-29T21:00:35+01:00By |Categories: All posts, Lockpicking, News and events, Trainings and seminars|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |

In early June of 2018 we started a new project called "Summer School of Lockpicking". This project was created in cooperation with Locksmith CZ company and was focused not only on lockpickers or novice lockpickers, but also on the general public in the form of educational video presentations (INTRO EN - Summer school of lockpicking). The project contained 12 basic modules (topics) that were launched via the Facebook page ACL (@czechlockpickers) in a bilingual version (English and Czech). Following each lesson, a short video quiz was also launched. According to statistics, this project had high viewership, success rate and many [...]

Lockpicking Summer Course vol. 2 (ACL & SPELEO)

2019-10-29T20:37:33+01:00By |Categories: All posts, Trainings and seminars|Tags: , , , , , , |

Friday 1st June 2018 The first weekend in June we met the members of the ACL in a beautiful place located near the village Březina-Luká (Olomouc Region), some of us went all the way from the other side of the Republic. We were welcomed by the cavers from Prostejov caves SPELEO and we brought nice weather in return. The cavers prepared for us on Friday not only chilled barrels of beers and lemonades, but they also accommodated us, they showed us the premises of their background and their work so far. A little bit about SPELEO the Prostejov cavers A cave, [...]

Lockpicking Summer School 06-08 / 2018

2019-10-29T20:25:39+01:00By |Categories: All posts, Lockpicking, News and events, Trainings and seminars|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |

We invite you to our new project called "Summer School of Lockpicking", this project was created in cooperation with Locksmith CZ company and is focused not only on lockpickers or beginning lockpickers, but also the general public in the form of educational video presentations. The project contains 12 basic modules (topics) that are launched via the ACL facebook pages (@czechlockpickers) and are in bilingual versions (English and Czech). Each lesson is followed by a short quiz in the form of 10 questions (A-D). At the end of the summer, a final quiz will be launched that will blend all lockpicking modules. [...]

Ethical Hacking at FIT CTU in Prague 2018

2019-10-29T20:09:53+01:00By |Categories: All posts, Lockpicking, News and events, Trainings and seminars|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

This year we again had the opportunity to raise awareness of lockpicking and personal security for students of the Faculty of Information Technology at CTU in Prague as part of the course Ethical Hacking. The guarantor of this lecture was Locksmith CZ company as an authorized training center in the Czech Republic. We divided the April lecture into three parts. The first part was about EVVA company, where the representative of EVVA, Mr. Martin Beinl, informed the audience about their product portfolio, about the protection and safety of homes, offices and other buildings. He showed to all practically all mechanical and [...]

Security Session conference 2018 FIT Brno University of Technology

2019-11-02T13:42:47+01:00By |Categories: All posts, Lockpicking, News and events, Trainings and seminars|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

On Saturday 7th April 2018 there was a non-commercial conference in Brno called Security Session conference 2018 and we had the opportunity to become a partner of this event. This conference focuses mainly on news and current issues in the field of mobile and information technology security.  In the morning there was a lecture on the topic of lockpicking, when ACL member took the floor during the almost full auditorium of the students. Before beginning to familiarize everyone with lockpicking terminology, used methods and tools, etc., he emphasized our code of ethics to all listeners. And that we open only our [...]

The Open Day at Wendt GmbH 2018

2019-10-29T19:14:08+01:00By |Categories: All posts, Interesting, News and events|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

The Open House is held every two years at Wendt GmbH company in Germany. Also this year we were among the invited people and we went for the visit on 2nd - 4th March 2018. We are always interested in what we will see and how this trip will enrich us. We are always looking forward to seeing our colleagues from the German Lockpicker Association (Sportsfreunde der Sperrtechnik). German Lockpickers are very proficient in the impressioning method, which is to create the correct key according to the cylinder with a magnifying glass and a nail file. A small race was held [...]

Christmas lockpicking party 2017

2019-12-16T06:35:47+01:00By |Categories: All posts, Trainings and seminars|Tags: , , , , , , |

The Christmas time is magical, bringing together all families and friends, so we thought we were going to have that little family gathering. Before Christmas, we organized a small Christmas party, including a potato salad with a selection of cutlets, homemade cake, Oreo-chocolate muffins, Christmas cookies and homemade plum brandy from Moravia. Then we had fun. We not only opened locks, tried new techniques and new types of locks, but we also enjoyed a great tombola! PHOTOGALERY

We attended ELF 2017 Convention

2019-10-29T19:01:48+01:00By |Categories: All posts, Lockpicking, News and events, Trainings and seminars|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

We had the opportunity to present our skills and knowledge at the European Locksmith Federation Convention 2017. This event took place at the weekend of May 19th – 21st 2017 in Prague. We have prepared a mini-competition in lockpicking with several locations. ELF participants could try to open the cylinders and padlocks with the help of picks, then they could try to open the cylinders directly in the door. Even some of the participants managed to open the door. PHOTOGALERY […]

Lockpicking Summer Course vol. 1

2019-10-29T19:03:22+01:00By |Categories: All posts, Trainings and seminars|Tags: , , , , , , |

In August 2017, ACL arranged a summer weekend course in the Czech Switzerland, where we rented a beautiful and immense cottage. We not only enjoyed the countryside and the view, but we also climbed the hill to the lookout tower at Vlčí Hora. Of course, we also opened a few locks, but we also tried to solder or engrave. PHOTOGALERY

Ethical Hacking at the Faculty of Information Technology, CTU 2017

2019-10-30T07:54:38+01:00By |Categories: All posts, Interesting, Lockpicking, News and events, Trainings and seminars|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

In April 2017 FIT students had the opportunity to attend a seminar prepared by Locksmith CZ company in cooperation with the Czech Lockpicker Association as part of the Ethical Hacking course. The exclusive aim of the event was to illustrate the students of IT the field of physical security. PHOTOGALERY

Impressioning training

2019-10-30T07:54:26+01:00By |Categories: All posts, Lockpicking, Trainings and seminars|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

In early 2017, ACL members attended a weekend seminar on Impressioning at Locksmith Service in Sokolov. Each member has learned or repeated the technique of assigning a key to a cylinder using a file and the skill. We were also visited by representatives of the German Lockpickers Association. PHOTOGALERY