
Czech Lockpicking Championship 2025

Every year, we are organizing an international lockpicking championship for lockpickers from all over Europe.

Entering the next lockpicker decade!

We have already completed ten years of lockpicking championships, and this year we will be entering another decade of competitions by our Association! 🔐 The championship is traditionally held in autumn and since 2017, it is held in memoriam of Evžen Ivanov, a lockpicking aficionado and a pioneer of Czech locksport. 🔐 The competition will be in classic lockpicker disciplines: opening cylinders and padlocks, blitz and freestyle. The main discipline is opening of cylinders with the time limit of 15 minutes. In opening of padlocks and freestyle the time limit is 5 minutes. In blitz, the time limit is one minute.



  • Date: 23-25 May 2025

  • Place: Marina Orlík, Chrást 56, Kovářov, 399 01 (Google map)


  • Competitors – 300 CZK / 12 EUR and visitors free

  • Registration form: “soon”

  • The event organizer reserves the right to provide proof of age eligibility.


  • Area capacity up to 90 people (15x bungalow, 4x apartment or cottage for 11 people)

  • 1.900 CZK for weekend / 1 person (1.900 CZK – accommodation and full board)

  • Booking accommodation via “soon”

  • You can pay in cash or by credit card



16:00 20:00 Expected arrival
20:00 23:59 Meeting of lockpickers and locksmiths 🔒
09:00 09:45 Registration
09:45 10:00 The start of the competition
10:00 10:15 PADLOCKS – Division into groups A-C
10:15 11:45 PADLOCKS – Pre-round A-C
11:45 12:50 Pause
12:50 13:00 PADLOCKS – Announcement of advances to the A&B finals
13:00 14:30 PADLOCKS – Final A&B 🏆
14:30 15:00 Pause
15:00 15:30 BLITZ 🥇🥈🥉
15:30 15:45 Pause
15:45 16:00 CYLINDERS – Division into groups A-C
16:00 19:00 CYLINDERS – Pre-round A-C
19:00 19:30 Pause
19:30 19:40 CYLINDERS – Announcement of advances to the A&B finals
19:40 23:59 Meeting of lockpickers and locksmiths 🔒
09:00 11:30 CYLINDERS – Final A&B 🏆
11:30 12:30 Pause
12:30 12:45 FREESTYLE – Division into groups A-C
12:45 14:15 FREESTYLE – Pre-round A-C
14:15 14:35 Pause
14:35 14:45 FREESTYLE – Announcement of advances to the A&B finals
14:45 16:15 FREESTYLE – Final A&B 🏆
16:15 17:00 Pause
17:00 17:30 Announcement of the results of all competitive disciplines 🎉🎉🎉


Czech Lockpicking Championship to 2024

Every year, we are organizing an international lockpicking championship for lockpickers from all over Europe.

We have been organizing annual lockpicking championship for 11 years. In 2019, for the 10th anniversary, we have organized the biggest lockpicking event in the Czech Republic. We have established partnerships with organizations, companies and individuals from other countries. The championships are held in autumn, and since 2017, they are held in memory of Evžen Ivanov, the great lockpicking enthusiast and pioneer of lockpicking in the Czech Republic.

Since 2020 we will organize local tournaments for the Czech lockpicking community and we will continue to organize training not only for our members, but also for people from the general public that are interested in lockpicking as a sport and hobby.



  • Lock picks (commercial or home-made)
  • Tension tools (commercial or home-made)
  • Pen and paper
  • Arrive early (at least 15 minutes before the start of the competition)
  • Every contestant needs to have his/her own equipment!
  • New, unused, padlocks are provided by the organizers.
  • Based on the number of contestants, qualification groups will be formed. The groups and seating places will be assigned randomly.
  • The padlocks must be held in hand during the opening, vises and other holding equipment are not allowed!
  • In each round, the contestants have 5 minutes to open their lock.
  • For each padlock opened, the contestant gains one point. The opening times will are added together.
  • The results of all competition rounds are based on the number of points obtained. In case of a tie, the total opening time is considered.
  • For each unopened padlock, 5 minutes are added to the total of opening times.
  • From each qualification group (based on the number of participants) 2-4 contestants advance to the “A finals”, and the following 2-4 contestants to the “B finals”. There will be usually 6-12 contestants in both the final groups.
  • The maximum number of participants is 48 (in the order of registration).
  • Before the start of each round, the contestant may try out his tension tool in the lock and take it out. Insertion of any manipulation tools inside the lock is before the start is prohibited! At the start of the round, no tool may be inserted inside the lock (not even the tension tool). Contestants that do not obey this rule may lose a point.
  • The padlock is considered open when the shackle is loose and no tool is inserted inside the keyway.
  • When the contestant opens the padlock, they indicate this by pressing the button, saying “Open!” out loud and raising the hand. The referee then tells the contestant the opening time and the contestant writes it down into the provided sheet.
  • If a tool gets stuck in the lock or if the lock is damaged, the contestant will be disqualified.
  • If the lock is faulty, it will be withdrawn from the competition by the referee.
  • After opening the lock, the contestant should remain silent and must not disturb other contestants.
  • There are 3 locks of each model (not necessarily same bittings) so that each group will be competing with the same models.
  • Locks that were too easy, or were not opened at all may be exchanged for the final round.


  • Lock picks (commercial or home-made)
  • Tension tools (commercial or home-made)
  • Vice, or other holding tools (optional)
  • Pen and paper (optional)
  • Every contestant brings his own euro cylinder to provide it for the contest. The cylinder must be double-sided, with both sides having the same bitting. It may be standard or dimple style and must be commercially available (not modified).
  • Arrive early (at least 15 minutes before the start of the competition)
  • Every contestant needs to have his/her own equipment!
  • At the beginning of the competition, each contestant has to open his/her cylinder in 5 minutes. The contestants that fail to open the cylinder are eliminated from the contest.
  • The cylinder brought by the contestant will be given to the organizers for labeling and registration. During the registration, the opened side of the cylinder will be marked.
  • The cylinder brought by the contestant must be undamaged, perfectly functional and clean, else they will be eliminated from the competition. A working key must be available to test the functionality of the cylinder.
  • If specialized tools are required to open the cylinder, the contestant needs to inform the organizers in advance.
  • Based on the number of contestants, qualification groups will be formed. The groups and seating places will be assigned randomly.
  • At the beginning of each round, the contestants pass the cylinders around the table until all the contestants have had the chance to open each cylinder in their group.
  • In each round, the contestants have 15 minutes to open their lock.
  • For each cylinder opened, the contestant gains one point. The opening times will are added together.
  • For each unopened cylinder, 15 minutes are added to the total of opening times.
  • From each qualification group the first 2-4 contestants, based on the total opening time advance to the “A finals”, and the following 2-4 contestants to the “B finals”. There will be usually 6-12 contestants in both the final groups.
  • At the end of the last round, the contestants check their own cylinders with the key, to confirm that they will work perfectly in the final.
  • The cylinders are then collected by the organizers and will be given back before the start of the finals
  • The maximum number of participants is 48 (in the order of registration).
  • Before the start of each round, the contestant may try out their tension tool in the lock and take it out. Insertion of any manipulation tools inside the lock before the start is prohibited! At the start of the round, no tool may be inserted inside the lock (not even the tension tool). Contestants that do not obey this rule may lose a point.
  • The contestants may choose, whether they will be opening the cylinder in hand or in a vice. If vice is chosen the cylinder should be fastened in the vice before the start.
  • The cylinder is considered open when the core is turned at least 90 degrees and there is no tool inserted.
  • When the contestant opens the cylinder, they indicate this by pressing the button, saying “Open!” out loud and raising the hand. The referee then tells the contestant the opening time and the contestant writes it down into the provided sheet.
  • If a tool gets stuck in the lock or if the lock is damaged, the contestant will be disqualified.
  • If the lock is faulty, it will be withdrawn from the competition by the referee.
  • After opening the lock, the contestant should remain silent and must not disturb other contestants.


  • Any non-destructive opening tools
  • Vice, or other holding tools (optional)
  • Pen and paper (optional)
  • Arriving early (at least 15 minutes before the start of the competition)
  • Every contestant needs to have their own equipment!
  • New, unused, euro cylinders are provided by the organizers.
  • Based on the number of contestants, qualification groups will be formed. The groups and seating places will be assigned randomly.
  • In each round, the contestants have 5 minutes to open their lock.
  • For each cylinder opened, the contestant gains one point. The opening times will are added together.
  • For each unopened cylinder, 5 minutes are added to the total of opening times.
  • The results of both qualification and finals are based on the number of points obtained. In case of a tie, the total opening time is considered.
  • From each qualification group (based on the number of participants) 2-4 contestants advance to the “A finals”, and the following 2-4 contestants to the “B finals”. There will be usually 6-12 contestants in both the final groups.
  • The maximum number of participants is 48 (in the order of registration).
  • Before each round starts, the contestant may try out the tension tool and insert it in the cylinder, no other tool can be inserted before the start.
  • The contestant may choose whether he/she wishes to hold the cylinder in hand or use the vise. The cylinder needs to be mounted to the vise before the start of each round.
  • During the round, the contestant may freely switch between the opening tools.
  • The cylinder is considered open when the core is turned at least 45 degrees and there is no tool inserted.
  • When the contestant opens the lock, they indicate this by pressing the button, saying “Open!” out loud and raising the hand. The referee then tells the contestant the opening time and the contestant writes it down into the provided sheet.
  • If the cylinder is damaged, the responsible contestant will be disqualified.
  • The contestants who opened their locks are not allowed to disturb the other contestants.
  • For each cylinder model, there are 3 individual locks with different bitting, so that each group may compete using the same model of the cylinder.
  • The cylinders that were not opened during the qualification or were too easy may be replaced for the finals.


  • Any lock picks, commercial or hand-made
  • Tension tools, commercial or hand-made
  • Arrive early (at least 15 minutes before the start of the competition)
  • Every contestant brings his own padlock or cylinder to provide it for the competition (the opening of the cylinder must not require specialized non-standard picks, specific to lock model)
  • Every contestant needs to have his/her own equipment!
  • The contestants form a “circle”. The positions on the circles are drawn randomly.
  • In one minute, the contestants have to open the lock they brought. If the contestant fails to open the cylinder, he/she and their cylinder are eliminated from the competition.
  • After one minute the contestants pass their locks to the right. Again the contestants have one minute to open the cylinder of their neighbor.
  • Then the locks are checked by their owners whether they are open.
  • The contestants that failed to open their neighbor’s cylinder are eliminated.
  • Each person swaps the place/lock with the person on their right and the next round begins.
  • This process continues until only 3 contestants remain.
  • Because of organizational reasons, the locks have to be opened in hand.
  • Before each round starts, the contestant may try to use the tension tool in the cylinder, but he may not use any opening or manipulation tools. Before the start, the tension tool must be taken out of the lock.
  • The maximum number of participants is 48 (in the order of registration).
  • If a contestant were to get the same cylinder for the second time, the cylinder will be replaced by a randomly selected one by the organizers
  • The cylinder is considered open when the core is turned at least 90 degrees and there is no tool inserted, a padlock is open when the shackle is loose and there is no tool inserted.


  • Nondestructive picking and/or decoding tools
  • Pen and paper
  • Arrive early (at least 15 minutes before the start of the competition)
  • Every contestant needs to have his/her own equipment!
  • Class A safe locks will be provided by the organizers (MAUER 73042, MAUER 71071, MAUER 71111, STUV 4.19.92, CAWI OPTIMA 2648, CAWI 2618, SECU S 1000).
  • Contestants may compete individually or in pairs. Locks and seating positions are assigned randomly.
  • Locks will be installed on a frame simulating a safe door.
  • In each round, the contestants have 30 minutes to open their lock.
  • For each lock opened, the contestants gain one point. The opening times will are added together.
  • The results are based on the number of points obtained. In case of a tie, the total opening time is considered.
  • For each unopened lock, 30 minutes are added to the total of opening times.
  • The maximum number of participants is 28 (in the order of registration).
  • The competition will not be available to spectators. The contestants can open the locks in private.
  • Insertion of any manipulation tools inside the lock is before the start is prohibited. Contestants that do not obey this rule may lose a point.
  • The lock is considered opened when bolt is completely retracted.
  • When the contestants open the lock, they indicate this to the referee by saying “Open!” out loud and raising  their hand. The referee then informs the contestants about their opening time and the contestants writes down the time into the provided sheet.
  • If a tool gets stuck in the lock or if the lock is damaged, the contestant will be disqualified.
  • If the lock is faulty, it will be withdrawn from the competition by the referee.
  • After opening the lock, the contestant should remain silent and must not disturb other contestants.


  • Magnifying glass, removable tag with scale, mechanical arm to aid determining dial position.
  • Pen and paper.
  • Electronic devices and other devices that automate dial movement or measurements of the dial position are prohibited.
  • Arrive early (at least 15 minutes before the start of the competition)
  • Group 2 combination locks will be provided by the organizers
  • The locks will be installed on stands simulating safe doors
  • The seats will be assigned randomly
  • Opening time limit is 60 minutes
  • The competition will only have one round, with all locks set to the same combination set by an independent referee
  • The rules for this competition may still change depending on available time
  • The maximum number of participants is 28 (in the order of registration).
  • The lock is considered open when the locking bolt is fully retracted
  • When the contestants open the lock, they indicate this to the referee by saying “Open!” out loud and raising  their hand. The referee then informs the contestants about their opening time and the contestants writes down the time into the provided sheet.


  • A vise attachable to the table (required)
  • Any manual file to file the key (reuqired)
  • Impressioning handle/fixation grip for the blank, e.g. a vise grip (required)
  • Any optical aid
  • A caliper, a depth gauge or any other measurement device
  • Any aids for marking
  • Paper and pen
  • Arrive early (at least 15 minutes before the start of the competition)
  • The competitors need to have their own equipment
  • It is not allowed to probe into the cylinder with a picking tool (and of course also not to pick it open or decode it any other way).
  • The minimum distance between the competitors has to be at least 1 meter.
  • Random seats are assigned. There is one qualification round and several final rounds.
  • It is not allowed to tension the cylinder (e.g. using the vise to tension the cam)
  • It is not allowed to do any work on the blank before the competition round is started. Clamping the blank in a handle/vise grip however is allowed.
  • The amount of blanks each competitor can us is not limited.
  • The cylinder is regarded as “open” when the core is turned by 90 degrees.
  • After the cylinder is opened, the key remains inside of the cylinder until the end of that competition round.
  • When the contestants open the lock, they indicate this to the referee by saying “Open!” out loud and raising  their hand. The referee then informs the contestants about their opening time and the contestants writes down the time into the provided sheet.
  • It is allowed to turn the cylinder freely and try to open either side.
  • Any markings of the blanks can be done only after the round has started.
  • The time limit is 40 minutes in the qualification round and 20 minutes in the finals.
  • Every contestant gets a cylinder a set of blanks
  • The bitting of the cylinder in the qualification round is the same for all cylinders
  • First 4-6 contestants to open the cylinder, advance to the A finals. Next 4-6 contestants advance to the B finals, other contestants are eliminated from the competition but can finish trying to open the lock.
  • The number of contestants advancing to the finals will depend on number of participants and will be announced before the start of the competition.
  • In the finals, the contestants have 20 minutes to open each lock.
  • The cylinders have different bitting, in A finals the locks are more difficult than in B finals.
  • The cylinders are assigned randomly and passed around the table.
  • Before the locks are passed around, the referees collect the used blanks.
  • For each cylinder opened the contestant gains a point.
  • The order is given by the number of points obtained. In case of a draw, the total opening time is considered.