Czech Lockpicking Championship

Invitation and info about the Czech Lockpicking Championship 2018

2019-07-13T08:07:01+02:00By |Categories: All posts, Czech Lockpicking Championship|Tags: , , , , , |

INVITATION AND INFO ABOUT THE CZECH LOCKPICKING CHAMPIONSHIP 2018 The Association of Czech Lockpickers is organizing the 9th year of the Czech Lockpicking Championship and all lockpickers and lock enthusiasts are all cordially invited to attend. This year’s competition will take place on the weekend of 19-21 October 2018 at Nová Živohošť (40 km of Prague). Come to show off your skills or just to have fun with friends not only from the Czech Republic but also from Germany, Hungary, Austria and other countries. The competitions start on Saturday, but most of the contestants usually arrive on Friday evening for an international training [...]

VIII. Czech Lockpicking Championship 2017

2019-07-13T08:06:06+02:00By |Categories: All posts, Czech Lockpicking Championship|Tags: , , , , , |

The fastest opening record was achieved in the VIII Czech Lockpicking Championship! The record time was achieved by Petr Wittner (Czech Republic) who opened a cylinder in 0.47 second. Congratulations! The eighth  Czech Lockpicking Championship, the Evžen Ivanov Memorial, was held on September 8-10 in Marina Orlík. There were 27 contestants from several countries (Česká republika, Německo, Maďarsko a Rakousko). The competition included four traditional disciplines: lockpicking of padlocks (time limit of 5 min), lockpicking of cylinders (time limit of 15 min), freestyle (time limit of 5 min) and blitz (time limit 1 minute). The title of "Czech Lockpicker 2017" was announced. The [...]

VII. Czech Lockpicking Championship 2016

2019-07-13T08:06:27+02:00By |Categories: All posts, Czech Lockpicking Championship|Tags: , , , , , |

On October 28 - 30 2016, the seventh Czech Lockpicking Championship took place. The competition included four traditional disciplines: lockpicking of padlocks (time limit of 5 min), lockpicking of cylinders (time limit of 15 min), freestyle (time limit of 5 min) and blitz (time limit 1 minute). RESULTS PADLOCKS FINAL A FINAL B 1 Till 1 Filip 2 Torsten 2 Sönke 3 Jascha 3 Petr W. 4 Jaroslav H. 4 Akos 5 Roman C. 5 Tamas 6 David K. 6 Sven CYLINDERS FINAL A FINAL B 1 Torsten 1 Till 2 Tamas 2 Sönke 3 Filip 3 Sven 4 Jascha 4 Bence [...]

VI. Czech Lockpicking Championship 2015

2019-07-13T08:08:47+02:00By |Categories: All posts, Czech Lockpicking Championship|Tags: , , , , , |

On September 19-20 2015, the sixth Czech Lockpicking Championship took place and Vranov Ranch. The contestants arrived on Friday afternoon and spent a pleasent evening chatting with their international colleagues, picking locks and eating grilled meat. The championship started on Sunday morning with lockpicking of padlocks. This discipline was conquered by Tamas Varadi (Hungary), followed by Manfred Bölker (Germany) and Torsten Quast (Germany). In freestyle, 3 winners were awarded: a lucky lockpicking beginner Viktor Kučava (Czech Republic), Evžen Ivanov (Czech Republic) and Akos Subecz (Hungary). Several skilled lockpickers failed to pass the elimination rounds of lockpicking of cylinders, including the last years champion [...]

V. Czech Lockpicking Championship 2014 and LOCKFEST 2014

2019-07-13T08:06:53+02:00By |Categories: All posts, Czech Lockpicking Championship|Tags: , , , , , , |

On September 20. - 21. 2014, the fifth Czech Lockpicking Championship took place. I was part of Lockfest, an international exhibition for locksmiths. The exhibition was very successful and highly praised by experts and visitors from the general public. The exhibition also included popular workshops and seminars, some open to public, some restricted workshops for certified locksmiths or government. The lockpicking championship included traditional disciplines: Lockpicking of padlocks (time limit of 5 min) Lockpicking of cylinders (time limit of 15 min) Freestyle (time limit of 5 min), won by Akos Subecz (Hungary) Blitz (time limit of 1 minute), won by Evžen Ivanov [...]

IV. Czech Lockpicking Championship 2013

2019-07-13T08:06:57+02:00By |Categories: All posts, Czech Lockpicking Championship|Tags: , , , , , |

Already fourth Czech Lockpicking Championship took place in the Nectiny Castle on November 16-17 2013.  We had 130 visitors and contestants, including  Ken Peterson, the famous American pick manufacturer, lockpickers from Germany and Hungary. PHOTO GALERY

III. Czech Lockpicking Championship 2012

2019-07-13T08:08:15+02:00By |Categories: All posts, Czech Lockpicking Championship|Tags: , , , , , |

On November 17 - 18 2012, the third Czech Lockpicking Championship took place in Prague. The competition included four traditional disciplines: lockpicking of padlocks (time limit of 5 min), lockpicking of cylinders (time limit of 15 min), freestyle (time limit of 5 min) and blitz (time limit 1 minute). PHOTO GALERY

II. Czech Lockpicking Championship 2011

2021-03-24T07:49:13+01:00By |Categories: All posts, Czech Lockpicking Championship|Tags: , , , , , |

On November 12-13 2011, the second Czech Lockpicking Championship took place. Compered to previous year, the rules were updated. Since Evžen Ivanov was the only one that truly mastered impressioning, this discipline was cancelled. Raking was merged with single pin picking and padlocks and cylinders were separated. From now on, all the championships contained 4 basic disciplines: opening of padlocks with time limit of 5 minutes, opening of euro profile cylinders with the time limit of 15 minutes, freestyle with the time limit of 5 minutes and blitz with 1 minute elimination rounds. ACL supplied new padlocks for the first discipline and new [...]

I. Czech Lockpicking Championship 2010

2019-07-11T10:07:26+02:00By |Categories: All posts, Czech Lockpicking Championship|Tags: , , , , , |

The very first Czech Lockpicking Championship took place on September 18th 2010 in Prague. There were four disciplines: racking, single pin picking, blitz and impressioning. Locksmith CZ was the first official sponsor of Czech Lockpicking Championships. PHOTO GALERY