Lockpicking – Competition in the ethical unlocking of TV Seznam
ONE MONDAY MORNING WE SPEND IN THE TELEVISION PROGRAM MORNING ON GAUCHA On one Monday morning in May, we accepted an invitation to the TV show Morning on the Couch by TV Seznam. The moderator of this session is Petr Zajíček, who conceived lockpicking as much as we do, it is fun as well as puzzles. Of course, lockpicking has its own rules and code of ethics. You can see what we talked about in the following video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BH_adnW1YLA&feature=youtu.be&fbclid=IwAR2U_4LAL0Wq4wIvIaS-ZxhKBk7xbZocfRfkZWkwQa7OKLmzM83Ka1nRPEM