Tréninky v lockpickingu

Knowledge quizzes 2021

2021-03-26T11:18:12+01:00By |Categories: All posts, Interesting, Lockpicking, News and events, Trainings and seminars|Tags: , , , , , , , |

QUIZZES NOT JUST ABOUT LOCKPICKING With us, you can test your knowledge not only in the field of lockpicking, but also in the field of locksmithing, safe technology or modern security trends. Our quizzes will test your knowledge, their principle is to verify your knowledge and always answer 15 quiz questions from the given category. BASIC CATEGORIES HISTORY OF LOCKS AND LOCKSMITHING Knowing history is the basis, it is a pillar for deepening further knowledge in the field of complete locksmithing and security. In this area you will find everything related [...]

Trainings in lockpicking 2020 are behind us

2021-03-26T11:27:12+01:00By |Categories: All posts, Interesting, Lockpicking, News and events, Trainings and seminars|Tags: , , , , , , |

A FEW TRAININGS HAVE BEEN MADE IN LOCKPICKING, BUT WE ALSO OPENED SAFES We organized several trainings in lockpicking, for the public or the association Narnie from Liberec. We also had a Czech-Hungarian training in Prague, where our colleagues not only from Hungary but also from Poland visited us. During this weekend meeting, we opened non-destructive safe locks and much more. Our trainings in lockpicking for the public were supplemented by basic theoretical knowledge - terminology of locks and lock systems, as well as the subsequent composition of the cylindrical insert. PHOTO GALLERY  

A reminder of 2019 or what happened and did not happen

2020-01-02T20:14:45+01:00By |Categories: All posts, Interesting, Lockpicking, News and events|Tags: , , , , , , |

YEAR 2019 IS OVER?! WHAT HAPPENED AND DIDN'T HAPPEN?! Three two one .. and in less than a minute the year 2020 is here. The previous 365 days have gone so fast and the same thing awaits us in 2020, but one more day?! Funny, but again there is a leap year with us. Before we fine-tune and debug our annual report of the Association of Czech Lockpickers, let's recall 2019 what made it special and what we did. An important change was that we organized regular lockpicking trainings where the public could participate. In the total number [...]

Trainings in lockpicking 2019 are behind us

2019-12-19T23:12:55+01:00By |Categories: All posts, Interesting, Lockpicking, Trainings and seminars|Tags: , , , , , , |

THROUGHOUT YEAR 2019, TRAINING SESSIONS IN LOCKPICKING WERE HELD CThroughout the spring and autumn, we organized lockpicking trainings that were open to the public and held in Prague. We were visited by many future lockpickers, but also curious people. Next year we will focus more on the terminology of locks and lock systems, besides the disassembly and subsequent setting up of the cylinder will be the part of our trainings. Several dozen future lockpickers, enthusiasts or curious tried lockpicking. PHOTOGALLERY  

Spring training in lockpicking behind us

2019-10-30T06:18:47+01:00By |Categories: All posts, Interesting, Lockpicking, Trainings and seminars|Tags: , , , , , , |

IN SPRING 2019 LOCKPICKING TRAINING HAD EVERY MONTH Throughout the spring of 2019, we held lockpicking trainings once a month, which were also made available to the public (after pre-registration and application) and were held in Prague. In one training we even surprised Miss Eva Svobodova, reporter for Radio Wave. At the next training we tried the electronic button system, which we are preparing for this year's 10th anniversary of the Lockpicking Championship 2019. And we also conceived one of the trainings as a celebration of one of our member, who had a birthday. Lockpicking has tried several dozen future lockpickerů, [...]