Blog not only from the world of lockpicking
Lockpicking – the art of opening locks without keys.
We create a blog not only about lockpicking. We regularly try to bring news from the field of locksmithing, safes, security and various events and workshops. Since the very beginning we have been organizing the only lockpicking championship in the Czech Republic, we have regularly participated in the international exhibition LockFest in Karlovy Vary and we have been trying to draw the public’s attention to the drawbacks of the lock systems. We also participate in other events, exhibitions and fairs, we publish in various magazines (Czech magazine Locksmith – Zámkař, Respekt magazine). Everything you can read on our blog about lockpicking.
If you are interested in writing an article on our blog not only on lockpicking or other topics in the field of locksmithing and security, feel free to contact our editorial office. Just write an e-mail or call and we will look at it together.
VIII. Czech Lockpicking Championship 2017
The fastest opening record was achieved in the VIII Czech Lockpicking Championship! The record time was achieved by Petr Wittner (Czech Republic) who opened a cylinder in 0.47 second. Congratulations! [...]
We attended ELF 2017 Convention
We had the opportunity to present our skills and knowledge at the European Locksmith Federation Convention 2017. This event took place at the weekend of May 19th – 21st [...]
Lockpicking Summer Course vol. 1
In August 2017, ACL arranged a summer weekend course in the Czech Switzerland, where we rented a beautiful and immense cottage. We not only enjoyed the countryside and the view, [...]
Ethical Hacking at the Faculty of Information Technology, CTU 2017
In April 2017 FIT students had the opportunity to attend a seminar prepared by Locksmith CZ company in cooperation with the Czech Lockpicker Association as part of the Ethical Hacking [...]
Impressioning training
In early 2017, ACL members attended a weekend seminar on Impressioning at Locksmith Service in Sokolov. Each member has learned or repeated the technique of assigning a key to a [...]
VII. Czech Lockpicking Championship 2016
On October 28 - 30 2016, the seventh Czech Lockpicking Championship took place. The competition included four traditional disciplines: lockpicking of padlocks (time limit of 5 min), lockpicking of cylinders (time [...]
VI. Czech Lockpicking Championship 2015
On September 19-20 2015, the sixth Czech Lockpicking Championship took place and Vranov Ranch. The contestants arrived on Friday afternoon and spent a pleasent evening chatting with their international colleagues, [...]
V. Czech Lockpicking Championship 2014 and LOCKFEST 2014
On September 20. - 21. 2014, the fifth Czech Lockpicking Championship took place. I was part of Lockfest, an international exhibition for locksmiths. The exhibition was very successful and highly [...]
IV. Czech Lockpicking Championship 2013
Already fourth Czech Lockpicking Championship took place in the Nectiny Castle on November 16-17 2013. We had 130 visitors and contestants, including Ken Peterson, the famous American pick manufacturer, lockpickers [...]
III. Czech Lockpicking Championship 2012
On November 17 - 18 2012, the third Czech Lockpicking Championship took place in Prague. The competition included four traditional disciplines: lockpicking of padlocks (time limit of 5 min), lockpicking [...]
II. Czech Lockpicking Championship 2011
On November 12-13 2011, the second Czech Lockpicking Championship took place. Compered to previous year, the rules were updated. Since Evžen Ivanov was the only one that truly mastered impressioning, this [...]
I. Czech Lockpicking Championship 2010
The very first Czech Lockpicking Championship took place on September 18th 2010 in Prague. There were four disciplines: racking, single pin picking, blitz and impressioning. Locksmith CZ was the first [...]