The date of the event is coming slowly but surely, this year we have really challenged ourselves! We want to organize a grand event and fit a lot into one weekend. So, what will the extended weekend of September 13-15, 2019, look like? What will the 10th Czech Lockpicking Championship bring? What did we plan for you?
On Friday afternoon, we will begin with safecracking of keyed locks. We don’t want anyone to miss the official opening of the event, so it will be afterward in the main building at 5 PM.
Since the safecracking contest is closed for public, there are several possibilities prepared for visitors that do not compete in this discipline; there will be several lectures and workshops in the afternoon. Mr. Torsten Quast from the German association SSDeV (Sportsfreunde der Sperrtechnik Deutschland e.V.) will introduce us to secrets of impressioning. Then, the chairman Alejandro Ojeda from URBANALPS will talk about 3D Key Copy Protection, which is a way of protecting the keys using modern technologies and 3D modeling. The Stealth Key technology answers the threads by hiding the code under a ledge.
During the entire weekend, at the spot designated for A. Wendt GmbH, there will be a possibility to try out the new electropick Zieh-Fix version III on a large amount of locks. There will be prices prepared for those testing the new Zieh-Fix products. Mr. Ken Peterson is going to visit us from overseas and will show us both new and well-established products very popular among lockpickers due to their excellent quality of materials. During the whole event, there will be a possibility to purchase a wide range of tools for lockpickers and locksmiths from the company Locksmith CZ.
After the official opening of the Championship at 5 PM, the qualification rounds of padlock lockpicking will commence. After 7 PM, Oliver Diederichsen will introduce his book „Stasi Secret Service Tools“, about lockpicking, impressioning government tools. At 8 PM, a dinner buffet/barbecue will be ready for visitors and contestants. We will have grilled port leg, turkey, sausages, grilled camembert style cheese we can wash down with Czech beer or raspberry soda.
At 9 PM, we will meet again in the main building where participating countries prepared presentations called Lockpicking (not only) in Europe. The talks will contain answers to questions about the legality and public views of lockpicking, interesting projects from past years, defeated locks, developed tools accomplishments of members or collaborations with manufacturers. About the topic of locksmithing, we will learn what is needed to become a locksmith. Are there some official special qualifications? What do locksmiths do? What about the relationship of lockpicking and locksmithing?
About safes, we will learn which are the most common safe locks in each of the countries? Who is opening the safes? (locksmiths, safe technicians or government employees)? What are the most common methods (destructive vs. non-destructive)? What is the crime rate? (burglary of cellars, flats, thefts of cars), stats and public views and knowledge of citizens about security. The talks will be in English and translated to Czech.
Currently, these countries are registered to give a short talk:
Czech Republic
Saturday morning, before the finals of the padlock competitions the member of the Association of Czech Lockpickers Mr. Marek Pederzoli will give a talk about important aspects the future of lockpicking. You will learn about the revolution of lockpicking in recent years, where it is heading and whether or not it is possible to manufacture a truly unpickable lock.
After the padlock finals, we will meet Mr. Oliver Diederichsen again who will give a talk about safes. Around noon we will take a peek inside the company A. Wendt GmbH; Enrico Wendt will introduce his family firm after which we will get into the impressioning contest.
In the afternoon, we will commence the supreme discipline – lockpicking of cylinders (qualification round), where each lockpicker will bring their own lock to compete with the other contestants.
In the evening, we will have the second safecracking discipline (manipulation of mechanical combination safe locks) and we will have a talk by SOMFY ltd. about Smart household – useless innovation or the future of households?, which will be given by Mr. Jan Hrnčíř. The Saturday evening will be concluded with a Big Lockpicking Quiz, which will contains question about lockpicking, that can be based on our Summer school of lockpicking, past presentations during the championship, the Friday’s talks from the “Lockpicking (not only) in Europe” event, bonus rounds or puzzles.
We will start Sunday morning with finals of lockpicking of cylinders. Then the company Locksmith CZ will introduce decoders Jack Wolf made by Petr Wittner. These decoders can open 100 percent of locks they are made for. In the afternoon, we will manage (we will have to manage) both freestyle a blitz.
We will start with freestyle qualification rounds and before the results are announced, we will have a blitz competition. After the freestyle finals, there will be a break for preparations for the announcement of results of the 10th Czech Lockpicking Championship. We estimate that around 6 PM, we will announce the results and award the prizes that were donated by our sponsors.
The weekend will be intense for the organizers, participants and visitors. It is quite difficult to fit so many activities into the schedule. We didn’t want the competitions to overlap, because there are people who want to compete in all the disciplines.
The event will be monitored using a video camera system by Euroalarm company for security and organizational reasons. Parts of the recording may be used to create a promotional video or for other commercial purposes.
Without our sponsors, it would be impossible to organize such an event and we thank them very much. The partners of the Association of Czech Lockpickers are: LockFest, European Lockmaster Group, Euroalarm, AZKS, ATRES, SSDeV a Salon Pohoda. Our sponsors for the 10th anniversary of the lockpicking championship are: EVVA, Tokoz, Keys, locks Vodňany, Locksmith CZ, A.Wendt GmbH (Zieh-Fix), Peterson Locksmith Tools, Multipick Direct Germany, URBANALPS Czech, mtaplus, SOMFY, Mul-T-Lock, ADBAR Electronic KEY&security, Zámkař Brno (Locksmith Brno) – Jan Hanák, Zámkař Praha (Locksmith Prague) – Autoklíče 24/7 (Car keys 24/7), Keyline S.p.A. and JK Burian. You are all cordially invited to attend!
More about the contest can be found here.
Registration form for contestants and visitors is found here.
Bulletins about the championship can be downloaded here.