Časopis Zámkař

From history to a modern look at lockpicking and the code of ethics

2021-03-24T08:24:43+01:00By |Categories: All posts, Interesting, Lockpicking|Tags: , , , , , , , |

LOCKPICKING AND ETHICAL LOCKPICKER'S CODEX Lockpicking is non-destructive openning method of locks and locking systems without original key. Lockpicking isn't only manipulation by lockpick tools, but it is impressioning method as well or openning by decoders and others special tools. Lockpicking is not only for locksmiths, it's hobby and sport discipline called locksport. Lockpickers could be students, doctors, bank officers or scientists. For many of them it's relax from job or rest after hardwork. Lockpicking is like puzzle solving, increasing manual skills and helping train brain. Amount of lockpickers is still increasing and curently counting a few hundred of thousands. There [...]