Blog not only from the world of lockpicking
Lockpicking – the art of opening locks without keys.
We create a blog not only about lockpicking. We regularly try to bring news from the field of locksmithing, safes, security and various events and workshops. Since the very beginning we have been organizing the only lockpicking championship in the Czech Republic, we have regularly participated in the international exhibition LockFest in Karlovy Vary and we have been trying to draw the public’s attention to the drawbacks of the lock systems. We also participate in other events, exhibitions and fairs, we publish in various magazines (Czech magazine Locksmith – Zámkař, Respekt magazine). Everything you can read on our blog about lockpicking.
If you are interested in writing an article on our blog not only on lockpicking or other topics in the field of locksmithing and security, feel free to contact our editorial office. Just write an e-mail or call and we will look at it together.
Championship disciplines under the microscope: Padlocks
CHAMPIONSHIP DISCIPLINES UNDER THE MICROSCOPE PADLOCKS: “5 MINUTES TO OPEN THE SHACKLE” Opening of padlocks is one of the traditional disciplines of lockpicking. It is suitable for lockpickers of [...]
Championship disciplines under the microscope: Safecracking
Championship disciplines under the microscope: Blitz
CHAMPIONSHIP DISCIPLINES UNDER THE MICROSCOPE BLITZ: "HOW TO ELIMINATE ALL YOUR OPPONENTS IN ONE MINUTE" Blitz the fastest and most dynamic discipline of the championship; it is a fast [...]
Championship disciplines under the microscope: Freestyle
CHAMPIONSHIP DISCIPLINES UNDER THE MICROSCOPE FREESTYLE: "SPEED IS UNRIVALED" Another discipline we want to introduce to our readers, lockpickers, partners and sponsors is freestyle. This discipline has been a [...]
Championship disciplines under the microscope: Impressioning
CHAMPIONSHIP DISCIPLINES UNDER THE MICROSCOPE IMPRESSIONING: “A CONTEST IN FILING THE KEYS” While preparing the anniversary Czech lockpicking championship, it occurred to us that we could write for our [...]
You can already register for the 10th Czech Lockpicking Championship
From June 15, 2019, you can register for the 10th Czech Lockpicking Championship 2019, which will take place on September 13-15 2019 in Nová Živohošť. Find out more about the [...]
Lockpicking – Competition in the ethical unlocking of TV Seznam
ONE MONDAY MORNING WE SPEND IN THE TELEVISION PROGRAM MORNING ON GAUCHA On one Monday morning in May, we accepted an invitation to the TV show Morning on the Couch [...]
Welcoming Spring on Charles Bridge
WHAT ARE THE LOCKS OF LOVE ?! AND WHAT DO WE DO? Why do people put padlocks (often referred to as love locks) on bridges, railings, and other public spaces? [...]
We were surprised by Radio Wave in Prague
LOCKPICKING TRAINING EVENTS ARE EVERY MONTH In March at one of our lockpicking training, which was also open to the public (after pre-registration and application), we were surprised by Miss [...]
Championship Venue: Juniorcamp Nová Živohošť
INFO ABOUT THE VENUE FOR THE 10TH CZECH LOCKPICKING CHAMPIONSHIP 2019 The tenth anniversary of the Czech Lockpicking Championship will take place in a beautiful landscape at the right bank [...]
Lockpicking & Breakfast with Nova TV show appearance
LOCKPICKING & BREAKFAST WITH NOVA TV SHOW APPEARANCE We had the opportunity to be part of a live morning broadcast on NOVA TV in the “Breakfast with New” show, where [...]
Padlocks and freestyle (an interview for Respect magazine)
Padlocks and freestyle (an interview for Respect magazine) "On average, I practice three times a week" (Marek Pederzoli) People often connect opening locks with picks, skeleton keys or [...]
Christmas lockpicking party 2018
Every year, a Christmas Party of Association of the Czech Lockpickers is held only for our members and guests. In 2018 it was no different. We met in abundance when [...]
IX. Czech Lockpicking Championship 2018
A RECAP OF THE IX. CHAMPIONSHIP OF THE CZECH REPUBLIC IN LOCKPICKING 2018 The 9th Czech Championship in Lockpicking is already behind us, let's review how it all went down. [...]
LockFest 2018 – International Lock Exhibition
LockFest 2018 The third year of international lock exhibition was placed in days from 22nd till 23rd September 2018 and we had the opportunity to be a part of [...]
Invitation and info about the Czech Lockpicking Championship 2018
INVITATION AND INFO ABOUT THE CZECH LOCKPICKING CHAMPIONSHIP 2018 The Association of Czech Lockpickers is organizing the 9th year of the Czech Lockpicking Championship and all lockpickers and lock enthusiasts [...]
From history to a modern look at lockpicking and the code of ethics
LOCKPICKING AND ETHICAL LOCKPICKER'S CODEX Lockpicking is non-destructive openning method of locks and locking systems without original key. Lockpicking isn't only manipulation by lockpick tools, but it is impressioning method [...]
Summer School of Lockpicking 2018 behind us – FACEBOOK
In early June of 2018 we started a new project called "Summer School of Lockpicking". This project was created in cooperation with Locksmith CZ company and was focused not [...]
Lockpicking Summer Course vol. 2 (ACL & SPELEO)
Friday 1st June 2018 The first weekend in June we met the members of the ACL in a beautiful place located near the village Březina-Luká (Olomouc Region), some of us [...]
Lockpicking Summer School 06-08 / 2018
We invite you to our new project called "Summer School of Lockpicking", this project was created in cooperation with Locksmith CZ company and is focused not only on lockpickers or [...]
Ethical Hacking at FIT CTU in Prague 2018
This year we again had the opportunity to raise awareness of lockpicking and personal security for students of the Faculty of Information Technology at CTU in Prague as part of [...]
Security Session conference 2018 FIT Brno University of Technology
On Saturday 7th April 2018 there was a non-commercial conference in Brno called Security Session conference 2018 and we had the opportunity to become a partner of this event. This [...]
The Open Day at Wendt GmbH 2018
The Open House is held every two years at Wendt GmbH company in Germany. Also this year we were among the invited people and we went for the visit on [...]
Christmas lockpicking party 2017
The Christmas time is magical, bringing together all families and friends, so we thought we were going to have that little family gathering. Before Christmas, we organized a small Christmas [...]