LOCKED OUT: How to Get Back Inside Without Damage – and What Never to Do
We’ve all been there. The keys are inside, the door is locked, and you’re standing on the wrong side. First comes panic. Then the urge to call someone. Then the idea of trying a credit card, a bobby pin, or a screwdriver. But hold on – many of these tricks cause more harm than good. This article walks you through what to do (and not do) when you’re locked out. You’ll learn how to handle the situation without damaging your door – and what never to try, no matter how easy it looks in the movies.
1. Stay calm – panic is your worst advisor
Before you start shaking the handle, testing windows, or planning a climb up the balcony, do the most important thing: pause and take a deep breath. Assess the situation. Is someone home? Does anyone else have a key? Are all doors really locked? Many people freak out and act impulsively – leading to broken cards, damaged doors, or expensive emergency calls. The first five minutes will determine whether you solve this with style or end up with a bill and a bruised ego.
2. Do you have a hidden spare? Or left a key with someone?
It may sound obvious, but double-check:
- Do you have a spare key in the mailbox, under a flowerpot, or with a trusted neighbor?
- Are you wearing shoes with a zip pocket?
- Did you write down a code for a safe or key box somewhere?
You may be able to solve it yourself more easily than you think – you just need to breathe and think clearly.
3. Ask for help – neighbors, friends, or building management
Do you live in an apartment building? Maybe the property manager has a key to common areas – or maybe a neighbor has access to a terrace or shared balcony. Don’t stay stuck in silence. Sometimes, a single message like “Do you have my key?” or “Are you home?” can resolve everything in seconds.
4. What NOT to do: 10 bad ideas
- Don’t shove pins, paperclips, or toothpicks into the lock.
- Don’t try the credit card trick – you might break it or damage the door frame.
- Don’t force the lock – it’s not LEGO.
- Don’t try to climb balconies unless you’re Spider-Man.
- Don’t call the first random locksmith ad you find – scammers love these moments.
- Don’t try a random key from your basement “just to see.”
- Don’t fall down a YouTube rabbit hole on “how to open a lock with a paperclip.”
- Don’t pour oil or lube into the keyhole – you’ll just make a mess.
- Don’t drill the lock unless you know exactly what you’re doing.
- Don’t panic in front of your neighbors – stay calm and composed!
5. When to call a locksmith – and how to pick a good one
If everything is truly locked, no one’s home, and you’re out of options, it’s time to call a pro. But be careful – the locksmith industry has its share of overpriced and shady operators.
Look for:
- A company with a real website, ID number, and address.
- A locksmith who gives you a price estimate before arriving.
- Someone who checks that you’re authorized to enter – a good sign!
- Online reviews, recommendations, and references.
6. Every lockout is a lesson
So you’re back inside. Keys in hand. Door open. And the thought hits you: “I never want this to happen again.” So what now? Make one spare key and hide it wisely. Consider a PIN-protected key box. Learn preventive techniques – not just opening tricks. Most importantly – always check your keys before closing the door. A locked door without a key isn’t the end of the world. But it can ruin your evening. This article is here to make sure it doesn’t.
A professional locksmith can open most doors quickly and without damage – and won’t claim it “needs to be smashed with a hammer.”