Christmas Lockpick Party and Christmas Mini-Competition in Lockpicking 2019

Every year we organize ACL Christmas party in Sokolov not only for our members but also for invited guests. This time there were unbelievable 30 people, not only in the field of lockpicking, but also in the field of locksmithing (locksmiths and representatives of foreign companies Urban Alps AG, Keyprint Security Ltd).

At the party there were of course home-made potato salad and chicken cutlets, rather maxi giant cutlets. There were also homemade cookies, which were not only in the shape of stars, rounds or trees, but in the shape of small keys or gingerbread and many other sweet and savory snacks. After a delicious meal we all got presents from a prepared tombola, someone got a police or fire truck toy cars, luxury handmade picks and gift boxes, etc. With the approaching evening, a mini-competition in lockpicking was held, where there were competitive cylinders and padlocks from this year’s championship, ten lockpickers took part in the mini- competition and nearly everyone opened more than half of the cylinders and padlocks. The rules of the mini- competition were: eight minutes for opening, each odd number was a cylinder and an even number was a padlock.