On Wednesday, October 30, 2019, all-day professional training took place at EVVA in Barrandov, Prague, which was divided into three parts and some members of the Czech Lockpicker Association were there. First, Mr. Koudelka, CEO, introduced all of the participants to the company’s product portfolio, namely mechanical locking approaches (MCS, 4KS, ICS, EPS, FPS) and electronic locking systems such as AirKey or Xesar. These electronic access systems are characterized by high security and ease of use with a smartphone.
In the second part, Mr. Ladislav Kratochvíl (president of AZKS – Association of lock and key services) introduced us to standards and technical requirements for mechanical security systems 2019.
The last part was a practical demonstration of assembly and inspection of fire safety equipment. Throughout the training there was also extensive discussions from practice, whether in the field or when selling goods. Fittings and doors (types, quality, etc.) were also solved, followed by their mandatory testing in the testing room and their certification, the course of testing is supported by tables with standards.
EVVA organizes regular training for companies and technicians in the field of security and safety technology.
More about EVVA can be found here.