Lockpicking Summer Course vol. 2 (ACL & SPELEO)

Friday 1st June 2018

The first weekend in June we met the members of the ACL in a beautiful place located near the village Březina-Luká (Olomouc Region), some of us went all the way from the other side of the Republic. We were welcomed by the cavers from Prostejov caves SPELEO and we brought nice weather in return. The cavers prepared for us on Friday not only chilled barrels of beers and lemonades, but they also accommodated us, they showed us the premises of their background and their work so far.

A little bit about SPELEO the Prostejov cavers

A cave, a creation that is indicative of creativity and the all-powerful power of nature, a cave as an object of impenetrated places beneath the surface of the Earth – all of which puts it at the forefront of human interest. The group Speleo Club in Prostejov was established in 1969.  Due to the availability of the karst in Javořík, the interest of members in the research of karstic formations in this area was concentrated. The base of the group became the object of the old mill in Vojtěchov, which at that time was the property of one of the members of the group.

The group’s first work was to study the cave system under the petrified castle. The opening and exploratory work was carried out here. Only smaller spaces were discovered. In the year 1970 the group was donated to the warehouse room at the old exit from accessible Javoříčko caves. It was used as a base after editing. It also expanded the group’s occupation with other members.

In the year 1971 the group had to disassemble the base based on the decision of the Moravian Museum in Olomouc. It was assigned a place to position a new base. The base was built on a forest clearing at the foot of the Lady Mountain for the municipality of Javoříčko, where it stood until 1991, when on the basis of restitmental claims the old shed had to be removed. Due to the expansion of the group and the already unsatisfactory state of the old Hut, the group was purchased already in 1984 by an object of an old farmhouse in Březina, which provided the opportunity to build a solid base, where the group could move and it still works here.

In addition to research and discovery in the Javoříčsko-Mladen karst, the Speleo club has had a rich expeditionary history. Since 1989, they have become a tradition, although with breaks, expeditions to Italy.

The second milestone in the group’s history was the tragic fire of the base in Březina 25. 06.2005 when it was almost reduced to ashes. After long questions and considerations, it was begun with the reconstruction of the base. Thanks to the enthusiasm of members and non-members, the base rose literally from the ashes to the year 2009.

Saturday 2nd June 2018

In the early morning, some of the ACL’s members have already gathered for fresh coffee, tea, blueberry and nouate croissants. Around 9 o’clock the other members got up, finished the breakfast, sat down, and started training in lockpicking, which lasted at the first 12 o’clock noon. Then some members accepted an invitation from the cavers to look into the “hole”, a cave that is not only available to the public. A group of lockpickers went into the woods and checked their safety clothing, helmet and light at the entrance. Light is extremely important! And they went on a journey of dozens, hundreds of meters underground.

The members of the ACL crawled, sometimes crawling in a lot of narrow spaces, climbing and especially watching the beauties of nature. When they reached the end, they saw such magnificent rock formations, and then they went back in the same way. The journey was for some demanding, but they all managed it and went to celebrate their success in a closed kiosk. In the afternoon, it began to be put on fire, began to feast and grill. Of course, there was still training in lockpicking, checking the already ongoing regional league in Lockpicking and its preliminary results. On the grill we had very good ribs, pork steaks, chicken steaks, sausages and lots of vegetables. In the evening we had the opportunity to see the device for the non-destructive opening of the safe locks by a decoder (WOLF Decoder, manufacturer in the Czech Republic) and a safe with the help of Auto Dialer QX3 Combi. What we could see was very interesting. For some that day did not ended and started straight Sunday.

Sunday 3. June 2018

On Sunday again the same group of morning birds met with fresh coffee and tea. They waited for the rest of the group, they woke up pretty soon. It started to grill again at 11 o’clock, but also came up with delicious sausages, other kinds of steaks and of course the clouds of vegetables. After noon everyone began to say goodbye and go back to their homes. Some ACL members have been doing a secret task – a secret project that we will learn sometime in the future.